
Report Text: “Non-Living Things”

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Report text is a type of written or spoken text that presents factual information about a particular subject or topic in a structured and organized manner.

Structure of Report Text

  • Introduction: Provides an overview of the non-living thing, including its background, history, or significance.
  • Description: Presents detailed information about the non-living thing, including its characteristics, features, or properties. It may include visuals, diagrams, or illustrations to enhance understanding.
  • Function: Explains the purpose or use of the non-living thing, including its benefits or applications. It may include examples or case studies to illustrate the function.
  • Conclusion: Summarizes the main points discussed in the report and may provide additional insights, conclusions, or recommendations based on the information presented.

Examples of Non-Living Things

  1. Examples of non-living things from different fields or domains, such as technology, transportation, architecture, or natural phenomena.
  2. Sample report text on a specific non-living thing with appropriate headings, subheadings, and formatting to demonstrate the structure and organization of report text.
  3. Examples of effective use of visuals, diagrams, or illustrations to enhance the description and understanding of the non-living thing.

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