Subjunctive Mood

Subjunctive Mood expresses a wish for something to be different. It is usually formed with “want” and “if only” followed by the desired action. There are others, but this unit only discusses “wish” and “if only.” Patterns Past Event (Subject + wish + subject + had + verb 3) (Subject + wish + subject + […]

Idioms and Proverbs: Colorful Language Expressions

Idioms and proverbs are fascinating aspects of language that add color and depth to our communication. This presentation explores some common idioms and a proverb, explaining their meanings and usage in everyday conversations. What is an Idiom? Definition An idiom is a set combination of words that has a specific meaning, which usually cannot be […]

Proper Mask Wearing: Manuals and Tips

Text 1: Steps for Wearing a Mask Properly Wash your hands before wearing a mask. Use a drop of liquid soap when doing it. Make sure that your mask has 2 layers. Wear the inside part facing you. Use the ear loops or ties to secure your mask and to remove it. Your mask should […]

Renang Lanjutan Kelas XII

Assalamualaikum wr wb, Renang adalah salah satu kompetensi dasar yang ada di pembelajaran PJOK. Biasanya di tingkat SMA, Siswa diharapkan mampu menguasai 2 gaya renang dari 4 gaya yang ada yaitu gaya bebas, gaya dada, gaya punggung dan gaya kupu-kupu. Untuk menunjang hal tersebut, perlu bimbingan dan keberanian dari siswa itu sendiri. Pada praktinya, siswa […]