Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb
English Class for 7th Grade
KI 4 : Trying, processing, and presenting in the realm of the concrete (using, unraveling, arranging, modifying, and making) and the realm of the abstract (writing, reading, counting, drawing, and composing) according to what is learned in school and other sources in the same perspective /theory
KD 4.7 : Descriptive Text
Basic Competence : Rewriting a description with the correct capitalisation and punctuation.
A series of words can be said to be a sentence if it contains at least a subject (subject) and a predicate (predicate) if it is an intransitive verb. However, sometimes a series can be said to be a sentence if it consists of a subject (subject) predicate (predicate) and object (object) if it is a transitive verb. n English there is such a thing as Punctuation. Of course you have heard of the name punctuation in Indonesian, now in English the punctuation is called punctuation. There are many punctuation marks in every language, such as periods, commas, exclamation marks, question marks, slashes, dashes, brackets, and so on. This time we will thoroughly examine what English punctuation is.
Material about Capitalisation and Punctuantion (
English Class for 8th Grade
KI 4 : Trying, processing, and presenting in the realm of the concrete (using, unraveling, arranging, modifying, and making) and the realm of the abstract (writing, reading, counting, drawing, and composing) according to what is learned in school and other sources in the same perspective /theory
KD 4.12 : Short Message and Announcement / notice
Basic Competence : Determine communicative goals and 3 linguistic feature of functional text of short message
Now, short messages or short messages are no longer a strange thing. Almost everyone knows what short message or short message is. Even in a day, a person can send a large number of short messages, more than one. However, what exactly is the meaning of a short message? When is short message used? What should be included in the short message? The following will explain the meaning of short message along with examples. Let's check it out!
Material About Short Message (