
Question Tags


A question tag, also known as a tag question or tag, is a short question added to the end of a statement. Question tags are often used in spoken English to confirm or seek agreement from the listener. They typically consist of an auxiliary verb and a pronoun that matches the subject of the statement. The question tag will be in the opposite form of the statement. Here are some examples:

Statement: “You’re coming to the party, right?”

Tag Question: “right?”

Statement: “She can sing beautifully, can’t she?”

Tag Question: “can’t she?”

Statement: “They didn’t finish the project on time, did they?”

Tag Question: “did they?”

Statement: “He is really good at math, isn’t he?”

Tag Question: “isn’t he?”


Question tags are used to make statements sound more conversational and to engage the listener in the conversation. The choice of the auxiliary verb and the form of the question tag can vary based on the tense and meaning of the statement. The intonation used when saying the question tag can also affect the meaning. A rising intonation typically turns the statement into a real question, while a falling intonation is often used when seeking confirmation or agreement.


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