LABEL II 9th Grade

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English Lesson

Hello my beloved students, How’s your life?
Hopefully, you’re doing great, Always be Healthy and Happy in Learning English.

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when you  buy some drink or food , how do you know that it is good for you? of course by reading the label of the product. To know about Label in detail, Let’s study together!


It wasn't me emoticon DEFINITION

Label is the information that contained in the outer of packaging of product or Usually put on the back of most product and it is used to give information about the products. some kind of label are :

  1. Label of food (label makanan),

  2. label of drink (label minuman), dan

  3. Label of medicine (label obat).


Happy emoticon SOCIAL FUNCTION

  • To choose food/beverage/medicine which is suitable and safe.
  • To avoid negative effects of food/beverage/medicine.
  • To get the best result of medication.

Backhand Index Pointing Right emoticonGENERIC STRUCTURE

1.Name of the product/brand

2.Description of the product,

3.The ingredients/the contents,

4.The nutrition facts,

5.Suggested uses/doses,

6.Storage, and

7.Expiry date.


backhand index pointing down emoticon

EXERCISE TIME Clapping emoticon



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