
Soal Literasi kelas 8

Assalamau alaikum wr.wb. Belajar menerima tantangan untuk mengukur kemampuan literasimu. Ayo buktikan ! Link : https://www.sinau-thewe.com/2022/03/40-soal-akm-bahasa-indonesia-kelas-8.html

Literasi kelas 7

Assalamu alaikum wr.wb Belajar mengasah kemampuan soal literasi. Link : https://www.sinau-thewe.com/2022/03/40-soal-akm-bahasa-indonesia-kelas-7.html#google_vignette

If Clause

What’s If Clause? ‘If/Unless’ clauses can be used to suggest, advise, state general truths, and announce something. A clause is a group of words consisting of a subject and a verb. Examples If you want to improve your concentration, why don’t you study batik painting? If you want to cheer up your friends, encourage them […]

Ways of Clarifying In Our Conversation

Why do we clarify some Instruction or Information? If you are a member of a group, clarifying is used to make sure that everyone in the group is on the same page and sets the right expectations. By clarification, you are able to ensure that the listener understood what you said, Clarification, is also good […]

Expressions Instead of Repeating The Same Responses

The formal expressions and phrases you get from school can be entirely different from the real-world English used by native speakers. Hello, yes, no, because, thank you, I think, Well done are words/phrases that are often used in a dialogue/conversation If you want your dialogue to sound like a native speaker, you may try to […]


Sujud syukur artinya berterima kasih kepada Allah Swt. Sujud syukur ialah sujud yang dilakukan ketika seseorang memperoleh kenikmatan dari Allah atau telah terhindar dari bahaya. Sujud tilawah artinya sujud yang dilakukan karena membaca ayat-ayat sajdah dalam Al-Qur’an ketika salat maupun di luar salat, baik pada saat membaca/menghafal sendiri atau pada saat mendengarkannya. Sujud sahwi artinya […]