

Bulan Rajab bisa menjadi momen terbaik untuk mempersiapkan diri kita dalam menyambut bulan Ramadhan, karena hanya berjarak sekitar dua bulan sebelum Ramadhan. Kata ‘Rajab’ memiliki makna ‘keagungan atau mulia’. Bulan Rajab juga disebut dalam Alquran sebagai Asyhurul Hurum atau termasuk bulan-bulan yang dihormati. Karenanya, bulan Rajab perlu diagungkan karena adanya sejumlah keutamaan di dalamnya. Terdapat […]

Music Terms

When we talk about music, there are so many terms we barely understand. The followings are music terms we often find: Song A Short piece of music with words that you sing  Composer Someone who composes music. Song Writer Someone who writes lyrics and music Download the link below to learn complete material. Download

Conditional Sentence Type 2

When we want to express impossible or unlikely situations, we use SECOND CONDITIONAL. What’s the difference between Second Conditional and First Conditional Sentence. Second Conditional (S.C) If I had enough money, I would buy an expensive car. (It’s just a dream, not very real) 2. First Conditional (F.C) If I have enough money, I will […]