Expression of Like and Dislike


Assalamualaikum wr wb. For all of the students, we are going to talk about Asking and telling like and dislike. In English, there are various expressions used to convey different sentiments. For instance, there are expressions for asking and giving opinions, suggestions, and even for expressing likes and dislikes.

Now, in this article, we will delve into expressing likes and dislikes in English. We will thoroughly discuss the subject matter, starting from its definition, function, when to use the expression, how to use it, and examples of common dialogues found in everyday life. Pay close attention!

Expression of like and dislike is a form of expression or reaction expressed when we either like or dislike something. It’s a topic in English expressing that requires us to convey feelings of liking or disliking towards something.

Berikut saya jelaskan menggunakan bahasa Inndonesia agar lebih mudah dipahami.

Ekspresi menyukai dan tidak menyukai dapat dipakai dalam berbagai situasi dan konteks. Berikut beberapa saat yang sesuai untuk penggunaan umumnya:

1. Ketika mengulas preferensi pribadi terhadap makanan, minuman, atau kegiatan.
2. Dalam percakapan sehari-hari untuk mengungkapkan kecenderungan terhadap suatu topik atau hal.
3. Dalam memberikan ulasan terhadap produk, film, buku, atau layanan.
4. Saat berdiskusi atau berdebat untuk menyampaikan persetujuan atau ketidaksetujuan terhadap suatu pernyataan.

Jika kita ingin mengekspresikan suka atau tidak suka, ekspresi ini dapat digunakan. Tentu saja, penggunaannya harus sesuai dengan aturan yang benar!

Pola Pembentukan Kalimat Expression of Like

Subject + like/likes + object (noun/verb-ing)

Subject + love/loves + object (noun/verb-ing)

Subject + to be + crazy about +  (noun/verb-ing)

Contoh Kalimat Expression of Like:

  1. I really enjoy watching movies on weekends.
  2. Pizza is my favorite food; I absolutely love it!
  3. Swimming in the ocean is something I find incredibly relaxing.
  4. I’m fond of reading novels in my spare time.
  5. Spending time with my family brings me great joy.
  6. I really like artworks. (Aku sangat menyukai karya seni.)
  7. We love traveling abroad. (Kami mencintai perjalanan ke luar negeri.)
  8. They like watching romantic movies. (Mereka suka menonton film romantis.)

Contoh Kalimat Expression of Dislike:

1. I dislike waking up early in the morning.
2. I can’t stand the taste of mushrooms; they’re not my favorite.
3. Cleaning the house is something I really loathe doing.
4. I’m not a fan of horror movies; they tend to scare me too much.
5. I find it annoying when people interrupt me while I’m speaking.

Tentu, berikut adalah contoh percakapan yang mengandung kata “like” dan “dislike”:

Contoh Percakapan Like and Dislike

Hey, what do you like to do in your free time?

I really like hiking in the mountains. It’s so refreshing and peaceful.

That sounds nice. I’m not really into hiking; I prefer reading books or watching movies at home.

Ah, that’s understandable. Everyone has their own preferences. Speaking of movies, do you have any favorite genres?

Actually, I dislike horror movies. They always give me nightmares.

Oh, I see. Well, I’m a big fan of comedies myself. I like movies that make me laugh.

Yeah, comedies are great. I also enjoy romantic dramas, they’re so heartwarming.

Interesting. I’m not really into romantic movies, but I can understand why you like them.

Exactly, it’s all about personal taste!